To confirm your spot on the trip you will Pay a booking fee of 500 USD.
This fee is included in the total price of 1220 USD. After registration you will get information about how to pay the booking fee. This fee of 500 USD is to be paid as soon as possible to ensure your spot on the trip. This fee is not refundable should you change your mind about joining. The rest of the fee is to be paid in cash in Jamaica.


In case you need to cancel the trip due to reasons beyond your control such as: Unpredictable travel restrictions, serious injury or sickness etc, you will be refunded with the full amount. Observe that you must show proof for the cancellation to be valid. If you cancel the trip because of personal reasons or reasons caused due to poor planning on your part for example: you change your mind on traveling, you won't get time off work etc - in these cases the booking fee will not be refunded. OBSERVE that you book and pay for your plane ticket yourself and you choose if you want to book a refundable plane ticket.

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